Adult Faith Formation
Sunday @ 9:30 AM
FAITHFUL CONNECTIONS is a time for caregivers—parents, guardians, grandparents, uncles, aunts, godparents, etc.—to come together for intentional conversation about forming the faith of young ones. Meet in the Luther Room for discussion, guest speakers, prayer, resource sharing, and general support.
ADULT FAITH FORMATION meets in Room 203-204 on Sunday mornings during the program year (September—May) for Bible study and conversation about timely topics, social issues, and ministry partners.
March 30: Michelle Bolton King
After School Arts Program (ASAP)
April 6: Stephen O’Baker
Faith Lutheran organ highlights and information
May 4: Susie Stageberg
Visual Impairment
May 11: Pastor Eric Carlson
Sabbatical Presentation
Bible Study Groups
Search and Serve
This women’s group meets weekly on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 -11:30 via Zoom. We SEARCH together by reading/studying topics decided on by our group. Each month we study the Bible Study in the ELCA Women's 'Gather' magazine. We SERVE through our weekly monetary gifts (usually $1/week) which supports Back to School backpacks, YMCA Supportive Housing Campus, Serving Hands Inc., Joppa, and the Urbandale Food Pantry. For more information, contact Connie Picken.
Circle of Friends
Circle of Friends is a group of women which meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 1:00 - 3:00 pm in St. Michael’s Hall. Fellowship and snacks are shared prior to Bible Study which is from Gather, the magazine of Women of the ELCA. For more information, contact the church office.
The Women’s Gather Bible Study meets the 2nd Thursday of each month from 7:00 - 9:00 pm in The Point at church. For more information, contact Joan Strentz.
Men’s Discussion of Next Sunday’s Scripture
Meets weekly on Tuesdays from 7:00 - 8:00 am to discuss the upcoming scripture lessons for the weekend. Click here to learn more.
Fellowship Groups
7th Stage Social Gatherings
This group meets periodically throughout the year with the intention of connecting with other Faith members. Questions and RSVPs can be sent to The name “7th Stage” refers to Erickson’s 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development. The 7th stage, or middle adulthood, is when people come together to create and nurture positive changes that will benefit others.
Faith Link
This group is a monthly gathering for people to discover links between faith and life and foster community. Participants meet on the third Wednesdays beginning at 3:30 pm for coffee and snacks followed by a topic facilitated by the pastors or speaker. The session will conclude in time for Faith Feast beginning at 5:15 pm.
Faith Stitchers
The Faith Stitchers meet Mondays from 1:00—3:00 in the Luther Room for a time of fellowship and to knit, crochet, and make a variety of stitched items for people in need. All are welcome! For more information, contact the church office.
Guys Night Out
Meets monthly on the last Monday of the month at 7:00 pm for fellowship at local establishments. For more information send an email to or check us out on on Facebook.
Ladies Night Out
This group meets monthly at different venues throughout the community—restaurants, homes, farms, etc.
The next Ladies Night Out will meet for dinner at Tom Archer's Poor Man's Dinner Club (at the Val Air Ballroom) on Tuesday, March 25 at 6:30. Seats are reserved for up to 14. Click here to sign up. Questions? Call or text Jill Waage 515-865-4531 or Heather Miller 515-240-6500.
Women’s Retreat
The Women’s Retreat is typically held in April. Check back for more information.