Worship — Faith Lutheran Church


Experience the living God who still meets with us today as we worship together in Jesus' name. In worship, you will sense who we truly are as a community, and more importantly, who is this amazing God in whom we trust. Holy Communion is part of every worship service. We believe that Jesus truly meets us in the sharing of bread and wine. All Christians who recognize their need for Jesus’ forgiveness in their life are welcome to share in this meal. Non-gluten bread and grape juice are also available. The Bible is central to our worship experience. We believe that the Bible is not old words, rather it is God’s living voice which speaks to us new each day.

worship TIMES

Saturday at 5:00 pm | Sunday at 8:15 and 10:30 am

Sunday worship services follow a more traditional liturgical order of worship, with hymns typically led by organ, choirs and special ensembles. Saturday worship is a more informal experience led by keyboard, guitar, and vocalists.

Worship Helpers

There are many ways to help with weekend worship services. Please click here to let us know how you’d like to get involved!

Altar Flowers

Click here if you’d like to beautify the sanctuary with flowers to recognize a special occasion — anniversary, birthday, or memorial. Cost is $50 per bouquet. Payments can be made online.