Men’s Bible Study


The Men's Bible Study group meets Tuesday mornings from 7:00 - 8:00 am in Room 205 and online to discuss the scripture for the upcoming Saturday/Sunday worship services. With equal parts merriment, reflection, discipline and discernment — with rolls, coffee and OJ as a bonus — we work our way through the Old Testament lesson, Psalm, Epistle, and Gospel within the hour, adding to the richness of the worship services and to our needs for the day and the days ahead. Discussion is aided by commentaries on each of the readings, sent out a few days ahead of time and are provided at the link below:

 The group is mostly retired folks with some full-time and part-timers who find the group worthwhile enough to fit it in before going to work Tuesday. Duties are shared in bringing the rolls and OJ, and each person chips in $2 to cover coffee, etc.  Those $2 kick-ins add up, so we contribute about $1,200 or so a year to the church, the DMARC Food Pantry, and other areas of need. 

The Men’s Bible Study frequently references commentaries from Working Preacher. The site usually lists three or four commentaries for each reading of scripture and often some of the ones from a previous liturgical cycle. The commentaries come from clergy and scholars of various Christian denominations, including Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Catholics.

Join us Tuesday morning! For further information, email one of the following:  Roger Petersen, Steve Anderson, or Marv Johnson.