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“God’s work. Our hands.” is an opportunity to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ—every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life—flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.

Children & Family Urban Movement Meal

Click below to help with Faith’s monthly task of bringing food donations, preparing, delivering, or serving a meal for the children and community of CFUM.

Spring Clean-Up Day

April 5

Join the Property Committee and God’s Work. Our Hands. Ministry Team on Saturday, April 5 from  8:00—12:00 for indoor and outdoor projects around the church. Silver cord hours are available for high school students. Click the button below to see the list of projects and to sign up. 


Pastor Carlson and Pastor Clausen recently shared a pastoral letter regarding Lutheran social agencies, including Lutheran Services in Iowa. Please click here to read this letter and learn how you can support our partners in ministry.  

These are some ways to support our ministry partners throughout the year:  

  • Write cards or letters, or send care packages. Express your gratitude for emergency workers, teachers, health care workers, postal and delivery workers, and those in the military. Contact any one of these agencies and institutions and inquire how you can show support.   

  • Donate items for the Central Iowa Shelter & Services. Click here for items needed

  • Volunteer you time with the DMARC Mobile Food Pantry. Click here for details.   

  • Take a Closer Look at Lutheran Services in Iowa by attending a free webinar the 2nd Thursday of the month from 12:30 - 1:00 pm. Click here to learn more and to register.

  • DMARC Food Pantry is requesting funds and grocery sacks to meet the increased needs in our community. Online donations can be made here. Sacks can be brought to the church entryway weekdays between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

  • Clive Community Services has compiled a list of ways people can help meet the needs of our neighbors. Take a look at ways you can to support their efforts.

  • Meals from the Heartland is open again and in need of volunteers to make meals. To learn more or sign-up, go to

  • Family Promise of Greater Des Moines continues to meet the needs of families experiencing homelessness. If you'd like to support Family Promise with a financial gift, you can do so on their website.

  • Engage with ELCA Advocacy on a range of topics and initiatives: 

And…YOU are invited to help plan our ongoing service-learning events and education. Click here to let Pastor Megan know of your interest in helping us plan.